in the FRAME … Instagram with Petrina Turner

Melbourne based interior designer Petrina Turner is an all-round creative and her well-styled life is shared via Instagram to nearly 23,000 followers daily. Between running her design studio, sharing her Insta Adventures Turner has now focused her creative mind to help those desperately in need of hope, love and a fair go. Launching #thepaperboatsproject is a set of her instagram images featuring the fragile but resilient paper boat, and her thoughts of hope for those seeking asylum. Turner has transformed these images into prints and inspirations cards.

All money raised from the sale of #thepaperboatsproject prints and inspiration cards will be donated to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.

We sat down with Petrina to find out more about her “Insta Adventures” and #thepaperboatsproject

Q How long have you been creating on Instagram?
I started using Instagram privately about 2 1/2 years ago, but have been public for the almost a year and a half.

Q What is your stating point when approaching a frame?
I’m really not sure that I have a formula. It really depends on what subject matter catches my eye. It can be as simple as an object,  shape, colour, or shadow. Or places and people I’ve seen or my day to day work. I do think that my designer’s eye plays a role in the final image, and those principles learnt from design school of balance, harmony , light, line colour… especially colour for me.

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

Q How would you best describe your style ?
Eclectic. I have a real love for vintage and mid century design, everything from fashion through to interiors, and at the same time am drawn to beautiful, contemporary lines. For me the perfect outfit or space is a blending of the two. Oh and colour… I love colour.

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

Q What inspires you ?
I’m inspired by so many things… as an interior designer I’m inspired by other creatives past and present, and really admire the many talented local artists and designers we have in Australia. I also love to travel and am constantly inspired by the cultures and colour of far off places, as well as our own beautiful landscape and culture here in Australia. And mostly I’m inspired by people… from my fabulous family and friends – my mum is a constant inspiration –  to people who live a whole other existence than I do, but at the same time share the same hopes and dreams. People like the brave men, women and children around the world seeking asylum and hoping for a better life.

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

Q What are your design turn-offs?
I’m pretty open to most things, but I would have to say I am not a fan of aspects of our community that don’t value genuine, original design. I think it’s really important to nurture and promote good design, and encourage young designers and artists to feel safe in the knowledge that their creativity is valued.

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

Q Why do you Instram?
It started as a bit of a visual diary… capturing moments, places or “things” that I wanted to store away for another time. it has become so much more. It has become a place of inspiration, friendship, and slightly addictive behaviour… as well as a platform to share my hopes for something close to my heart and raise money and awareness, for Asylum Seekers and the need to remember they are brave people in need of our help with their own hopes and dreams just like me.

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

Q Are you addicted?

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

Q Do you quietly spin-out over the hordes of followers?
Shhh don’t tell anyone but I do quietly marvel at the number of followers I have. I mean, I don’t think my life is THAT interesting… just sharing the world through my eyes. But i think that is the key to instagram because what I’m drawn to, what I want to see when I’m on IG is what I wouldn’t normally see. I love the chance to see the world through other peoples eyes. I only wish I had the time to see everything, there is so much wonderful going on in that place.

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

created by #petrinaturnerdesign

Q – What is you favourite insta by someone else … why .. & please share it.
If I had to pick just one image, by any one of the many fabulous people I follow on instagram I would have to choose “Thumb Tree Hill” by the Karina Sharpe (@karina_jean_sharpe). Karina is a multifaceted creator, and a beautiful, talented soul whose skill lies in many areas including jewellery design, still life art and as much in her way with words. She is also a wonderful friend.  “Thumb Tree Hill” is more than the wonderful image, it was the starting point for Karina’s breathtaking short film in her exploration of her process, and in Karina’s words “It became something not at all to do with process and everything to do with discarding the thing thats keep us small – things like fears and indecision.” Words to live by.

Thumb Tree Hill by #karina_jean_sharpe?

Thumb Tree Hill by #karina_jean_sharpe?

Below #thepaperboatsproject prints. Petrina’s hope is to share the humanity… and do her small part to change the conversation… and we couldn’t agree more. Click #thepaperboatsproject  to go directly to the store and purchase:

#thepaperboatsproject by #petrinaturnerdesign

#thepaperboatsproject by #petrinaturnerdesign

#thepaperboatsproject by #petrinaturnerdesign

#thepaperboatsproject by #petrinaturnerdesign

#thepaperboatsproject by #petrinaturnerdesign

#thepaperboatsproject by #petrinaturnerdesign

#thepaperboatsproject by #petrinaturnerdesign

#thepaperboatsproject by #petrinaturnerdesign

#thepaperboatsproject by #petrinaturnerdesign

#thepaperboatsproject by #petrinaturnerdesign

To see more by #petrinaturnerdesign photo credits Petrina Turner Thumb Tree Hill credit Karina Sharpe

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