Gibson Beach House

Gibson Beach Sagaponack South Hamptons NY is not a place you would have to force me to visit. The one of 9 communities that make up the Hamptons is a summer haven to New Yorkers and as pretty as they come. This home, designed by Tamara Magel, would surely fit the bill for the perfect place to laze away a summer
A vision in cool whites, beiges and greys the home is as understated as it is luxurious. Panel detailing in the dining room contrasts effortlessly with the stunning anemone light while in the living room an ever so slightly green sofa grounds a setting of comfortable arm chairs and a stunningly simple timber lounge. Throughout, the attention to detail continues with the paneling being taken up the gracious stairs and in the enormous kitchen (with one of the largest refrigerators I’ve seen) the space is set up to perfectly cater for large and lush house groups.
I wouldn’t call the look beach luxe exactly, but it certainly is chic and I certainly would want to spend my summer there!