dictated by the sun

The story of the J House originates from its surroundings. The contrasting lines of the ascending roof and descending land foreshadow the inner scheme of the home. For example the iron white lattice whose hollow spaces allow the light to pour in from the diagonal roof – shadowy shapes appear amidst reflections of light.

An iron white staircase lends itself to the general atmosphere of the home- prismatic, multi-dimensional, exposing its occupant to the light and air wafting about the home. Ripples of water, the lines of glass, cable rails, and patches of light, all become dictated by the sun – every degree of movement changes the light and the sequence of reflections and shape.

Designed by Pitsou Kedem Architects, these aspects, integrated into the design, play across levels and enhance the dimension of movement of the entire architecture – the lowered seating area, the English yard, reflecting pools and the entrance bridge. These are borne of the same logic – to enforce the visitor’s experience of presence in the space.

J House / Pitsou Kedem Architects

J House / Pitsou Kedem Architects

J House / Pitsou Kedem Architects

J House / Pitsou Kedem Architects

J House / Pitsou Kedem Architects

J House / Pitsou Kedem Architects

J House / Pitsou Kedem Architects

J House / Pitsou Kedem Architects

J House / Pitsou Kedem Architects

J House / Pitsou Kedem Architects

J House / Pitsou Kedem Architects

J House / Pitsou Kedem Architects

J House / Pitsou Kedem Architects

J House / Pitsou Kedem Architects

J House / Pitsou Kedem Architects

J House / Pitsou Kedem Architects

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