Simplicity in repetition
“The Lookout” as it’s known to its owners on Broad Cove Marsh is situated delicately along a narrow piece of land between a tree-lined country road and a dramatic ocean-side cliff. This seasonal family escape is located on the outskirts of Inverness, Cape Breton Island. The house sits on a long sliver of coastline with expansive sunset views over the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
The dwelling designed by Omar Gandhi is defined by a single corridor running parallel to the length of the property, with a series of open and private spaces overlooking the ocean cliff. The main interior element – a 15 metre continuous run of clad joinery slips seamlessly from exterior to interior and out again, simplicity in using a single material.
Responding to the site conditions the pitch of the simple roofline protects the home from the intensity of the summer sun, while a highlight over the main public space allows more light, shielded with a low-tech brise-soleil to filter it here.
Materiality is perhaps ultimately refined. Success is always in the detail, but here completely exposed. There is no hiding. Timber, perhaps oak, concrete, steel and glass. Modernist in its refinement and selection. Strength in design of this warm holiday home comes through the repetition, not only of line in joinery and roof trusses but the bold use of one material. Perfect for a long weekend by the sea.
Story by Nic-Kaiko Follow him on Instagram kaiko_design
Photographs: Doublespace photography