The “New” Hamptons
For better or worse, the Hamptons “look” is one of the most copied around the world. Swathes of creams, whites and nautical stripes usually defines the theme and attempts to infuse a home with a relaxed beachy vibe. Bearing that in mind, this home by designer Tamara Magel is pure Hamptons love for me. While it is unmistakably Hamptons (the sheer size is enough to confirm that – 11 bedroom & 13 bathrooms!), the interiors are completely unique – almost a “new” Hamptons look.
What Magel does well, and that which we have featured on this blog before, is get the mix of furniture just right. Design classics site alongside contemporary pieces with occasionally a touch of the unexpected thrown in for good measure. The unexpected in this home comes in the form of the dining room which steps away from the washed out timbers and white walls and is instead a dark walled and sophisticated room. One particular element I love about this home is the artworks, all chosen by Magel for the client. Contemporary, colourful in some places and not a sailing boat in sight!
Story by Brendan Guy, follow him on Instagram MrBrendanGuy
Images: Rikki Snyder