La Boutique Double Bay
The La Boutique design needed to enhance and elevate a renowned hair salon in Double Bay, Sydney. The space designed by We Are Tribe allows clients to escape and replenish outside of their busy schedules. It’s selection of luxurious materials are both beautiful and functional, and the simplicity of the overall scheme is unquestionably elegant.
La Boutique required a fit out that reflected it’s French inspired brand identity. Located within one of Double Bay’s prestigious boutique lined streets, the tone was set for a lavish salon catering for the locals. The front of the salon was to feel luxurious and inviting. A custom sofa wraps around the atrium window and looks toward the polished stone POS unit and sweeping palms. An open shelving unit invites customers to casually ‘shop’ the products.
There is a deliberate calmness to the interior which invites relaxation and reprieve for the customers, with natural light pouring in and many other details such as elegant styling stations, a large expanse of floor space. The salon’s selection of high calibre materials are not only beautiful, but purposefully chosen to age gracefully over time.