Two Bays House – Chile

The house is located in a quaint and elegant seaside resort town Zapallar, Chile, on a rocky and stormy cliff between two small bays facing the Pacific Ocean, but not seen. Designed by Santiago Valdivieso + Stefano Rolla the idea of the project was to create a house that has a relationship with its surrounds and offers privacy.
To achieve this, an intermediate condition was designed between exterior and interior, between a natural and an intimate personal landscape. An intermediate gallery of traditional Engawa storm shutter of variable sizes and densities reacts to various uses and impulses, both internal and external.
The main level is encased in glass and black steel that advances as it rises from the sloping natural topography. As the volume rises, its anchorage to the ground changes; once fully supported, it begins to gain height on singular pilotis that end in a quadruple diamond support.
Below, a series of scales, platforms, concrete walls and river stones build the exterior and garden of the house, these follow the conditions of the topography, unlike the main volume. Above, in a completely panoramic situation with three sea fronts, there is an unprotected viewpoint against the windy weather.