Another Fucking Lamp – New York

New York designer Brecht Wright Gander has created a light that is switched on by sliding a phallic conductor inside of a puckered, rubber opening, in the hopes of maximising the user’s feelings of discomfort. Just one look at the pucker, I’m sure would make people giggle or squirm.
Currently on show at Room57 Gallery‘s inaugural exhibition, Gander’s Another Fucking Lamp features a body made of three interconnected steel monoliths. This elaborate structure serves to highlight its functioning as a kind of Rube Goldberg machine, which performs a simple task in a needlessly convoluted way. A fleshy, pink chord extends from the central pillar and rests inside of a velvet sleeve on top of the adjacent column, reminiscent of a gas pump at a petrol station. (I’m blushing)
Removing it from its holder and repeatedly inserting it into the orifice on the side illuminates a spherical bulb perched atop the third, and tallest metal post.
There is a capacitive sensor inside the orifice. This sensor responds to the electrical charge in the user’s skin, which is transmitted through a copper wire embedded in the umbilical. So the biological charge of the user triggers the light. The human metabolic process literally has to converge in mutualism with the object’s own processes, in order for illumination to occur.
Peeking out from strategic holes in the lamp’s metal shell are its innards, coated in the same sensuously fleshlike rubber as the orifice.
“The steel shell imprisons or perhaps protects the inner body – inhibiting it from pursuing a larger life, or perhaps shielding it from whatever other advances might be made on it, says Gander.” The material selections are meant to maximise the tension and uncertainty a person feels on contact with the lamp. In every way, operating the light is designed to cause the user anxiety and discomfort. It may even be embarrassing to use the lamp in front of other people.
In this way, the design is intended to question the ideals of functionalism and the notion that a good object should always be subservient to the needs of its user. Chapter One is on view at Room57 Gallery in Manhattan until 14 February 2021.

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